Body of Christ:

I hope this message finds you in good spirits and faith. Today, let’s dive into something that’s not just central to our faith but is the very heartbeat of who we are: the Body of Christ, or as we’ll call it, the BOC. This isn’t just some abstract concept; it’s the living, breathing community that defines us as believers. And understanding this can transform how we live our faith together.

Jesus: The Promise and Fulfillment

Let’s start with the foundation—Jesus Christ. Long before He walked among us, prophets like Isaiah spoke of a suffering servant who would save us from ourselves. Fast forward to the New Testament, and we see Jesus stepping into this prophecy, fulfilling it with every word, every miracle, and every sacrifice. Matthew 8:17 reminds us: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” This wasn’t just a nice story; it was a radical, world-changing event that confirmed Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. From Humble Homes to Worldwide Churches Let us think back to the early days—Jesus' followers huddled together in homes, sharing meals, prayers, and teachings. These were intimate gatherings, full of warmth and fellowship. However, as more and more people experienced the power of Jesus' message, these small groups grew bigger. Over time, these homes gave way to what we now know as churches—vibrant communities where believers could gather, worship, and grow together. It's a beautiful evolution, showing how the Body of Christ has always been dynamic, always growing, always adapting.

So, the Body of Christ is the global family of all Christian churches, regardless of denomination, size, or location. Each one of us is like a cell in this body—when we’re strong, the whole body thrives. But when we falter, the entire Body of Christ feels it. Thus, the strength and growth of the Body of Christ now depend on each of us nurturing our faith and supporting one another.

The Early Church: A Model of Unity and Growth

It needs to be noted that in those early days, the Body of Christ was all about a close-knit community. People met in homes, shared everything they had, and lifted each other up in love. As Christianity spread, these gatherings evolved into more structured churches, but the essence remained the same—community, support, and a shared mission.

The Global Body of Christ Today

Fast forward to today, and the Body of Christ is massive, spanning every continent. From North America’s 350,000 churches to Africa’s nearly 700,000, we are a diverse and widespread family in the Body of Christ. Nevertheless, with this growth comes challenges. While Africa and Asia are seeing a surge in believers, Europe and parts of North America are facing a decline. This isn’t just a statistic; it’s a urgent call to action.

Strengthening the Body of Christ: The Call to Action

So how can we keep the Body of Christ strong and vibrant? One of the biggest threats we face is apostasy - believers turning away from their faith. This happens not only because people lose interest, but often because they no longer see how the church relates to their lives, and some of them allow themselves to be influenced by worldly temptations, sects or philosophies, replicating the situation in Paul's day. We cannot allow that to happen in this modern world. We need to ensure that our teachings are relevant, that our communities are welcoming and that our discipleship is deep. An effective and impactful way to do this is to equip those people with knowledge and connections. Taking a free online course can be a step toward strengthening their faith and position in the Body of Christ.

Unlike the slow and inefficient means by which the problems and solutions of fallen believers were addressed in Paul's day - when he had to write letters that took time to deliver - today's digital age offers unprecedented opportunities to strengthen the faith of believers through effective online tutoring. Imagine a world where each of them has real-time access to high-quality, faith-based resources that deepen their understanding of Scripture and further their spiritual walk. This is not just a dream, but a reality that we can achieve by helping potential fallen believers and keeping them connected to the Body of Christ. In our shared journey of faith, it needs to be noted that every believer plays an indispensable role, akin to cells within a body, in upholding and strengthening the church and hence the global Body of Christ!

In Christ,

John Lam